• Why We Hate Mondays

    It’s the beginning of the work week. Your inbox is starting to trickle full of “Happy Monday,” greetings. You ask someone how they are, and they reply, “It’s Monday.” Yes, It is Monday, great job. Three days prior your co-workers were saying, “It’s Friday,” unprompted, as though they were saying there was cake in the…

  • No Revolution Without Animal Liberation

    Why animals are part of the greater struggle for justice and liberation.

  • Why You Should Run for SGA

    The Student Government Association has been long neglected as a front in the popular struggle—the struggle of the working class—on campus. We intend to change that.



  • A Brief History of the General Strike

    The socialist left has a long and storied romance with the idea of the general strike, also known as the mass strike. The basic premise is that capitalist society survives only by the continued participation of the working class, and therefore if a critical mass of workers across industries were to cease work all at…



  • America’s True Revolution

    On this day 162 years ago, in this very state, the white slaveowner and state senator Edmund Ruffin fired the first shot of the Civil War against Union troops occupying Fort Sumter. In so doing, he unwittingly ignited one of the greatest revolutionary firestorms in world history, and indeed the only true social revolution in…

  • “Salt of the Earth” in Context

    The history surrounding our fist ever movie night.

  • Whose Government?

    One of the most common misperceptions socialists encounter in the world of mainstream politics is the idea that socialism describes government intervention in the economy. That raises the question: whose government? People who view the world in liberal terms tend to have a mystified view of the state. They see it as a neutral body…

  • The Body Under Capitalism

    “The perpetual penality that traverses all points and supervises every instant in the disciplinary institutions compares, differentiates, hierarchizes, homogenizes, excludes. In short, it normalizes.”  Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punishment The 17th and 18th centuries in Western Europe marked the open of a long series of revolutions in the political economy of the body. In the…



  • A Mass Movement, If We Want It

    In the face of the multiple compounding crises of modern capitalist society—the mounting debt, rent, and healthcare crises, police terror, unchecked far-right violence and reactionary advances on the political front, catastrophic infrastructure collapse, imperialism’s flirtation with nuclear war, and the potentially civilization-ending threat of runaway climate change—it is easy to become disheartened. The internal pessimist…



  • Beyond Worker Democracy: Towards Degrowth Socialism

    What does a socialist transition look like to you? Whether achieved through violent or nonviolent seizure of power – What are the key, qualitative changes which we must make, once in power, in order to definitively transmogrify our economy from one directed towards exploitative accumulation to one directed towards the basic needs of all? For…