• Whose Government?

    One of the most common misperceptions socialists encounter in the world of mainstream politics is the idea that socialism describes government intervention in the economy. That raises the question: whose government? People who view the world in liberal terms tend to have a mystified view of the state. They see it as a neutral body…

  • American Communism and the Worker: How to Talk Class in America

    Americans are famous for a lot of things across the world. Things like being stupid, having large food portions, or having no healthcare. All the normal stuff. But one thing that Americans often don’t realize about themselves is that they are just awful at class analysis. Or, more specifically, realizing exactly what class we, as…



  • Abortion Rights in the Class War

    After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, a decision made by just six unelected justices with consequences for the bodily autonomy of millions of people across the United States, the socialist movement leapt into action to defend abortion rights. DSA led the charge, with over one hundred chapters across the…